Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, has dramatically changed the dynamic between buyer and seller. In the new digital “always connected” age, customers want to feel empowered to use mobile technologies to make the shopping experience easier and more pleasurable―whenever and wherever they choose to shop. And with tablet sales taking off, customers today have a choice of mobile form factors and technologies to leverage.
Our Mobile Commerce solution extends the customer touch point to mobile commerce for browsing your online catalog, conducting side-by-side product comparisons, receiving personalized marketing and promotions, completing transactions, obtaining store location information, and providing an accurate view of orders and inventory availability.
can enable your company to quickly adopt mobile as a new selling channel while seamlessly leveraging the power of personalized marketing and extending the power and reach of your brand. With mobile and tablet starter stores and reference applications, you can quickly take full advantage of smartphone and tablet browsers and touchscreens to deliver an optimized mobile shopping experience. Combined with location-based marketing, you can personalize the mobile shopping experience like never before.